The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
© NACSO/WWF in Namibia
Zimbabwe has the second largest elephant population in the world.
Zimbabwe has the second largest elephant population and third largest total numbers of rhinos in Southern Africa (excluding South Africa) and the third largest individual black rhino population in the world. Hwange National Park is said to hold twice its carrying capacity of elephants. Zimbabwe has 3% of Africa's total population of the rhino.
© Martin Harvey / WWF
Three of the country's major national parks lie adjacent to international boundaries and are part of Trans-frontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs)
They are Hwange National Park in the Kavango Zambezi (KAZA) TFCA; Mana Pools National Park in the Mid Zambezi TFCA; and Gonarezhou National Park in the Greater Limpopo TFCA. KAZA is arguably the largest TFCA in the world involving Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe; and embracing 36 protected areas that include national parks, game reserves, community conservancies and game management areas.
WWF Zimbabwe aims to contribute towards enhancing the capacity of protected areas management authorities to better manage their estate and proactively engage and empower buffer communities to economically and substantially benefit from wildlife resources in their areas. This involves improved park management; greater buffer community engagement and economic benefit; strengthening the judiciary chain process for illegal wildlife killing and trade; and coordinated enforcement of relevant legislative provisions.
WWF Zimbabwe aims to contribute towards enhancing the capacity of protected areas management authorities to better manage their estate and proactively engage and empower buffer communities to economically and substantially benefit from wildlife resources in their areas. This involves improved park management; greater buffer community engagement and economic benefit; strengthening the judiciary chain process for illegal wildlife killing and trade; and coordinated enforcement of relevant legislative provisions.
© Patrick Bentley / WWF-US
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