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© WWF-Zimbabwe
Land Reclamation; anti-poaching; REDD+
The Hwange Sanyati Biodiversity Corridor (HSBC) project covers an area of 5.7 million ha in north western Zimbabwe and falls within the Kavango-Zambezi (KAZA) Trans-frontier Conservation Area (TFCA). The overall objective of the project is to provide tools for the sustainable management of the corridor.
It is a $6.4 million project being funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and is running from 2014-2019. World Bank is the implementing agency for the project, WWF is the activities implementing entity and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Management is the coordinating authority. Key project partners are: Parks and Wildlife Management Authority; CAMPFIRE Association; Environmental Management Agency; and the Forestry Commission.
The project is addressing the following corridor wide challenges including:
Focal Areas
An integrated landscape/ecosystems approach is being used to address the multiple GEF focal areas in the project which are:
The project is addressing the following corridor wide challenges including:
- Inadequate water supplies for wildlife;
- Destructive wild fires;
- Poaching of wildlife and timber;
- Human wildlife conflicts;
- Land degradation;
- Limited livelihood options;
- Food insecurity; and
- Inadequate institutional capacities to address environmental and livelihood challenges.
Focal Areas
An integrated landscape/ecosystems approach is being used to address the multiple GEF focal areas in the project which are:
- Biodiversity
The project is supporting the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity by strengthening the management of Hwange National Park and its buffer area.
- Climate change
The project supports small mitigation measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, management of land and longer-term adaptation measures
- Land degradation
The project contributes to developing tools for arresting and reversing current trends in land degradation in the Sanyati catchment area and piloting land rehabilitation projects
- Sustainable forest management/REDD+
The project supports the reduction of pressure on remaining forests in the HSBC by developing sustainable forest management tools and testing and adapting them in pilot areas.
© Patrick Bentley / WWF-US
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