The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
© WWF-Zimbabwe
About 49% of Zimbabwe's total land area of 390 000 km2 is under forests.
Forests are home to a wide range of fauna and flora that include 4 440 species of plants, 270 species of mammals, and 532 bird species. These biodiversity assets are found in all land categories-namely state, communal and private lands, to varying extents.
© WWF-Zimbabwe
WWF Zimbabwe aims to support incentive based sustainable forestry and integrated landscape management.
- Agricultural expansion;
- Uncontrolled veldt fires;
- Inadequate economic incentives for local communities;
- Inadequacy of enabling legislation and its weak enforcement; and
- Climate change.
- Capacitating relevant institutions and communities;
- Value addition to and commercialization of timber and non-timber forest products and services;
- Coordinated enforcement of relevant laws; and
- Piloting and up scaling appropriate land management models.
© Patrick Bentley / WWF-US
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